Microalgae as the basis for new Biostimulants and Bioplagicides
Studies on microalgae show numerous benefits that some species offer for agriculture. From their fungicidal capabilities against various pests as substitutes for chemical pesticides, to their effects in stimulating plant growth and enhancing flowering and fruiting. For these effects to be enhanced, it is very important the process and treatment carried out, so that the free amino acids are not lost. The selection of microalgae and their cultivation are also key.

The best Biofertilisers.
The importance of cultivating microalgae.
There are thousands of species of microalgae, but only a few hundred have been investigated and of these only a few dozen have shown agricultural interest. At Biorizon Biotech we have been researching and collaborating with Universities and Development Centres for many years in order to identify the best microalgae and how to enhance their benefits. One of the most important conclusions of these studies is the importance of cultivating them in a way that enhances their biological profiles according to the agricultural objectives pursued. It is therefore crucial that we cultivate our own microalgae and control that cultivation in order to have the right raw material. This makes us unique, as we have this capacity, and our Agora Sabana and Algavillage cultivation plants are the largest microalgae cultivation plants dedicated to agriculture in Europe. The extraction process is also key, so that it does not inappropriately break down the internal structure and reduce the quality of the biomass. Our plants are fully sensorised and control production in a way that maximises crop yields and reduces costs, allowing us to be much more competitive in the market.
Biofertilisers combined with microalgae, bacteria and plant extracts.
Consumers today are increasingly demanding healthier food that has not been treated with chemicals but through sustainable, ecological and environmentally friendly processes. This unstoppable evolution requires the development of new solutions to replace traditional chemical fertilisers or pesticides in an efficient and cost-effective way. Within these solutions, there are three routes that have proven to be effective substitutes for chemicals. We are referring to microalgae, bacteria and strict vegetables. At Biorizon Biotech we are world leaders in the development of agricultural solutions using microalgae as a base. With the development of the TRIETECH© technology we took a big step forward, by developing a way to enhance the appearance of substances with high agronomic value, but also to integrate bacteria and plant strains into our products. This results in powerful multi-purpose solutions that replace their chemical counterparts. Our different product ranges combine not only different microalgae, but also different bacteria and plant strata. A confinement that results in specific products for specific needs.